One link method fits all
Today I’ve created a universal rails helper to deal with multiple models of a multi-language project in a common way:
def link_to_add(object, args={})
return '' unless logged_in?
object = [object] unless object.is_a?(Array)
link = link_to(t("#{object.last.to_s}.add"), new_polymorphic_path(object, args))
content_tag :p, link
def link_to_edit(object, args={})
return '' unless logged_in?
object = [object] unless object.is_a?(Array)
return '' if object.last.new_record?
node = object.last.class.to_s.underscore
link = link_to(t("#{node}.edit"), edit_polymorphic_path(object, args))
content_tag :p, link
def link_to_delete(object)
return '' unless logged_in?
object = [object] unless object.is_a?(Array)
return '' unless object.last.persisted?
node = object.last.class.to_s.underscore
link = link_to(t("#{node}.delete"), object,
data: { method: 'delete', confirm: t("#{node}.delete?") })
content_tag :p, link
Now all links to create, edit or delete an instance look nice and intuitive.
I type short
<%= link_to_add :post %>
instead of long
<% if logged_in? %>
<p><%= link_to t('post.add'), new_post_path %></p>
<% end %>
It handles nested routes. Just type
<%= link_to_edit [@post, @comment] %>
instead of
<% if logged_in? %>
<p><%= link_to t('comment.edit'), edit_post_comment_path(@post, @comment) %></p>
<% end %>
And my favourite one:
<%= link_to_delete [@post, @comment] %>
instead of
<% if logged_in? %>
<p><%= link_to t('comment.delete'), [@post, @comment],
data: { method: 'delete', confirm: t('comment.delete?') } %></p>
<% end if @comment.persisted? %>